Thank you for sharing. Honest feedback is the best feedback. Name * First Name Last Name Email * 1. What courses have you taken part in? The Essentials of Breathing Reduce Stress & Anxiety Optimize Athletic Performance Breathwork Certification: Functional Breathing 2a. What did you wish to improve when you first signed up for the course? 2b. Did you see that improvement? Yes No 2c. What kind of improvement did you see? 3. Which classes were most helpful and why? 4. Would you share the course with others? Yes 100%! No, I don't think so. 5. What could have made your experience better? 6. Would you be interested in subscribing to a library of guided breathwork sessions to support your practice ? Yes No 7. Lastly, it would mean the world to me if you'd like to leave a short review. 8. Would you be okay if I share this feedback? * Yes you can use this with my first name Yes but I'd like to stay anonymous. Thank you!